House of Ziryuwah
Aæsui ŋguil nzuo! Hwaqo nzavrjo hnanɢo tidui hlu doslotrnæ derminųr nzunzuvwo irə səhmuswo mbaæñųz. Zratta zriša ŋgy rjoez!
I cannot bear forgetting! I will keep the knowledge of the Feasters in a house on this island, protected by my Will. May it last forever!
-Ziryuwah, 0 DR, as quoted by themselves in A History of the Divine Realm, published 1432 DR. English translation by Simon Zaifęrai of the Šisoi, 2999 DR.
This is a website dedicated to the fictional world of Vássoe, a mysterious, magical world that has existed alongside the cosmos in which Earth resides for the last 6600-ish years. Here you can find stories set in the world, information about the world itself, description of the languages of Vássoe, and music made for the world.
Check it out!
- The Ziryuwah Conundrum
- The Ziryuwah Conundrum is a story set in Vássoe beginning in 2999 DR, equivalent to 2021 AD on Earth. Here I'll write like a plot summary or something.
- Worldbuilding
- Here I'll write something about what kind of worldbuilding might be found here.
- Something more specific like "religion" or whatever
- A second more specific thing